Blue Mountain Christian University
201 W. Main St. Blue Mountain, MS, 38610, PO Box 160
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The Blue Mountain Christian University Admissions and Academic Standards Committee admits students based on the applicant's high school or college record and ACT or SAT scores. The Committee seeks to select students who are committed to scholarship, servant leadership, and service in church and community and who would contribute to the life of a Christian college community.
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As a private educational institution, however, Blue Mountain Christian University reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant whose academic preparation, character, or personal conduct is determined to be inconsistent with the purposes and objectives of the University.
The purpose of the admission process is to identify applicants who are likely to succeed academically at Blue Mountain Christian University and at the same time contribute positively to the campus community.
The Blue Mountain Christian University Admissions and Academic Standards Committee monitors the implementation of admissions policy and procedures. The Vice President for Enrollment Services makes decisions regarding admission based upon these policies and procedures.
Admission to Blue Mountain Christian University is based on the high school or university record, and ACT or SAT scores. Students given provisional admission will have three weeks to submit all required documents to finalize and complete the admission requirements. Failure to complete the admissions process will result in being withdrawn from classes.
All applicants to Blue Mountain Christian University must complete an application for admission which may be submitted as early as the junior year. Any applicant not in continuous enrollment at BMCU must submit an application for readmission to the University.
An application for admission will be voided if the applicant does not properly disclose information or if the applicant misrepresents information relevant to institutions previously attended.
Students currently attending high school or college may be granted preliminary admission pending receipt of a final transcript, provided all other application materials have been submitted to the University. Applicants who receive notice of preliminary admission are assured of final admission provided they:
College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Advanced Placement (AP), and independent study (correspondence) credits are accepted by Blue Mountain Christian University.
Credit will be awarded based upon the scores recommended by the American Council on Education on each subject area examination of the CLEP. No more than 12 semester hours of correspondence credit will be accepted toward a degree.
Blue Mountain Christian University does not accept credit by correspondence or CLEP for EN 101 (English Composition II). A combined total of 30 semester hours of credit may be earned through CLEP, AP and correspondence courses. See the current undergraduate catalog for guidelines.
Students who did not graduate from high school may qualify for admission by achieving satisfactory scores on the GED test.
Beginning with the 2002 Series GED Tests, the minimum passing standard set by the GED Testing Service is a minimum score of 410 on each test and an average of 450 overall (or 2250 total standard score points).
Applicants to BMCU who took the GED prior to the 2002 Series must have earned a minimum score of 40 on each test and an average score of at least 45 on all the tests in the battery.
Blue Mountain Christian University offers a Dual Enrollment Program whereby early admission may be granted to an applicant who has completed their junior year in high school and has a favorable recommendation from a teacher and/or a high school counselor. The applicant must also meet at least two of the following requirements:
Home-schooled applicants in general must meet the same requirements for admission to BMCU as other first-time freshmen. This includes the submission of some form of transcript that includes the student’s course of study, grades (if available), and standardized test scores.
Dates for registration are published in the University's current academic calendar.
Students may initiate the registration process by enrolling in classes for the semester/term on dates designated in the academic calendar. In order to enroll in classes, a student first meets with the academic advisor, who enters the student schedule electronically.
Registration is not complete until a student has submitted all required registration forms and has clearance from the Office of Business Affairs. You can sign up for an on-campus or virtual registration day here! (Registration Day)
A first-time freshman is defined as an applicant with 12 semester hours or less of college credit.
Blue Mountain Christian University strongly recommends the following pattern of high school courses to those seeking admission to the College:
>English 4 Units
Mathematics 3 Units (Algebra I, Algebra II, other advanced)
Science 3 Units (2 lab)
Social Science 3 Units (American history and world history)
Foreign Language 2 Units (in one language)
Total Academics 15 Units
If an applicant has no previous college work and plans to apply for admission to a Blue Mountain Christian University degree program, he/she must submit the items listed below to the Office of Admissions.
A completed application for admission is required.
High School Transcript or GED
Official high school transcript or official GED scores report. The high school transcript needs to include:
All classes taken with grades received
Rank-in-class (actual or estimate)
All available standardized testing information
Explanation of grading system
Graduation date, final GPA, and signature of the appropriate school official
ACT or SAT Scores
ACT or SAT scores are required. If the applicant graduated from high school more than 5 years ago, the ACT/SAT requirement is waived. (Residual Testing: A student who missed taking the ACT at one of the regularly scheduled administrations may make arrangements through the Office of Academic Affairs at BMCU to take the examination.)
Applicants must have documented evidence of having had the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella immunizations (MMR) within the last ten years or evidence of having had two immunizations if they were born on or after January 1, 1957. These must have been given after their first birthday. This requirement is waived for students enrolled in online courses only.
College Housing Requirements
Applicants for college housing must submit a completed housing application accompanied by a room deposit. This deposit serves as a damage deposit and is refundable, less any charges for damages, upon written request upon leaving college housing.
If a student transfers twelve or less hours from another institution, the applicant will need to submit the following in addition to those items listed above to the Office of Admissions:
Official Transcript(s)
Complete, official transcript from each college previously attended (must be sent directly from the College).
Students seeking readmission to the University will (if granted admission) re-enter the University on academic probation if their official GPA does not meet the criteria described in the current undergraduate catalog under Academic Standards. This status can be removed as also explained in the Academic Standards.
A readmit is defined as a student who returns to enroll after withdrawing or not enrolling the immediate prior fall/spring semester.
Applicants for college housing must submit a completed housing application accompanied by a room deposit. The deposit serves as a damage deposit and is refundable, less any charges for damages, upon the student’s written request within two weeks of having vacated college housing.
Grades Transferred from Another Institution
Grades earned on transfer work from other institutions will be shown on the permanent record at Blue Mountain College but will not be used in calculating the grade point average at the University.
Academic Standing of Readmits
Students seeking readmission to the University will (if granted admission) re-enter the college on academic probation if their official GPA does not meet the criteria described in Policy 2.18. [See Academic Affairs Policy 2.18: Academic Standards.]
Blue Mountain Christian University complies with the Higher Education Opportunity Act pertaining to the readmission of veterans who left in order to perform military service. The veteran will be readmitted with the same academic status he or she had when last in attendance at the institution.
Transcript Requirements
Transfer students who have been enrolled in other colleges must submit official transcripts from each college attended and must be eligible to re-enter the last college attended.
The academic standing at the initial enrollment of new transfer students (including readmitted students who have attended other colleges subsequent to leaving BMCU) will be determined by the cumulative face value grade point averages of all colleges attended and in accordance with the University’s standards listed in Academic Affairs Policy 2:18: Academic Standards as follows:
1.50 for students who have earned less than 30 semester hours (including transfer work)
2.00 for students who have earned 30 hours or more (including transfer work)
Transfer students making application and on academic suspension from the last college attended are not eligible for admission until they serve out the period of suspension. If admitted, the student will enter on academic probation.
A maximum of 70 semester hours of credit may be transferred from a community or junior college to Blue Mountain Christian University.
After a student has been accepted for a degree at BMCU and has earned a total of 70 hours toward a degree (including transferred work whether from a community or senior college), all additional credit must be earned at a senior college.
Twenty-five percent (25%) of the total required degree hours must be earned at BMCU. Additionally, 12 of a student’s last 18 semester hours must be earned at BMCU (except for those students in the medical technology program or dual degree nursing programs).
Students must obtain permission in advance from their academic advisor and the Provost before taking a course(s) from another college while they are pursuing a degree from BMCU.
A transfer student is defined as an applicant with 13 or more semester hours of college credit. If an applicant has previously attended another institution and plans to apply for admission to a Blue Mountain Christian University degree program, the applicant must submit the items listed below to the Office of Admissions:
Students Transferring Thirteen or More Hours
A completed application for admission.
Official Transcript(s)
Complete, official transcript from each college previously attended (must be sent directly from the College).
Applicants must have documented evidence of having had the Measles, Mumps and Rubella immunizations (MMR) within the last ten years or evidence of having had two immunizations if they were born on or after January 1, 1957. These must have been given after their first birthday. This requirement is waived for students enrolled in online courses only.
College Housing Requirements
Applicants for college housing must submit a completed housing application accompanied by a room deposit. This deposit serves as a damage deposit and is refundable, less any charges for damages, upon written request upon leaving college housing.
A completed application for admission at least one year prior to the desired date of entrance.
Official Transcripts
International students must provide official copies of all studies in each school attended (both inside and outside of the United States), beginning with secondary school. These records should include all mark sheets, diplomas, and certificates issued during that time. They should also include an English translation and should be mailed directly from the institutions issuing the transcripts. These transcripts must be provided approximately six months prior to enrollment at Blue Mountain Christian University.
Transcripts from Institutions Located Outside the United States
The student must request a COURSE BY COURSE REPORT from an educational evaluating agency. Contact the Office of Admissions for a list of acceptable agencies.
Transcripts from Institutions Located Within the United States
Transcripts from institutions located in the United States must be mailed from these institutions directly to the Office of Admissions at Blue Mountain Christian University.
Standardized Test Scores
Satisfactory standardized English proficiency test scores must be submitted prior to enrollment at Blue Mountain Christian University. Contact the Office of Admissions for a list of acceptable English proficiency examinations.
Adequate Financial Support
Affidavit of financial support that indicates adequate financial support and the source(s) of such support for year(s) of study at Blue Mountain Christian University.
Expenses for Academic Year
The student must have on deposit in the Office of Business Affairs at the University sufficient funds to cover expenses for one academic year.
This includes tuition, fees, room and board, books, personal living expenses, and an insurance premium. In addition, the applicant must provide evidence of sufficient financial support for personal living expenses such as vacation room and board, educational supplies, and transportation.
There may be some financial aid for eligible non-citizens.
Insurance Policy
Prior to enrollment, international students must, through Blue Mountain Christian University, pay the premium for a twelve-month insurance policy which provides medical, medical evacuation, and repatriation coverage with Blue Mountain Christian University as the trustee beneficiary.
College Housing Requirements
Applicants for college housing must submit a completed housing application accompanied by a room deposit. This deposit serves as a damage deposit and is refundable, less any charges for damages, upon written request upon leaving college housing.
Additional Housing Needs
There are approximately 60 days in the calendar year (vacations and semester breaks) for which residence housing accommodations are not available.
Applicants should submit Mumps, Measles, and Rubella Immunization Certificate and be tested for Tuberculosis. This requirement is waived for students enrolled in online courses only.
Student Visa
Blue Mountain Christian University is authorized to admit international students on the F-1 (Student Visa). The Student Visa is issued by the U.S. Department of State on the basis of a completed I-20 Form issued by Blue Mountain Christian University upon the formal admission of the student to the University.
Each international student is required to have an I-20 Form before being allowed to register for classes.
To apply for admission as a transient student (one earning credit to transfer to another institution), as a special student, or as an auditing student, the applicant must submit the listed items below to the Office of Admissions:
A completed application for admission.
Official College Transcript, or if entering Freshman, Official High School Transcript or GED Report
Transcripts from the last post-secondary institution attended or, if the applicant is an entering freshman, an official high school transcript or an official GED scores report. The high school transcript needs to include:
1. All classes taken with grades received
2. Rank-in-class (actual or estimate)
3. All available standardized testing information
4. Explanation of grading system
5. Graduation date, final GPA, and signature of appropriate school official
Applicants must have documented evidence of having had the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella immunizations (MMR) within the last ten years or evidence of having had two immunizations if they were born on or after January 1, 1957. These must have been given after their first birthday. This requirement is waived for students enrolled in online courses only.
Financial Aid is not available to non-degree seeking students.
Blue Mountain Christian University
P.O. Box 160
Blue Mountain, MS 38610